The Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan Mossadeq Khalili
Event details
Afghanistan is a country with an extraordinarily rich history. From the Bronze Age through the Graeco-Bactrian, Kushan and Hephthalites eras to the Islamic period, the region was influenced by the network of international trade routes and by its neighboring kingdoms. This complex history has given rise to major archaeological, artistic and architectural cultural heritage sites all over the country.
After four decades of war and conflict, the cultural heritage of Afghanistan has experienced significant damage and destruction. Furthermore, in the aftermath of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, concerns are growing not only for the already long-suffering population, but also, once again, for the country's rich heritage.
Taking into consideration the current situation and the challenges towards the preservation of its rich and diverse cultural heritage, architectural historian and former diplomat Mossadeq Khalili will give a general overview of the cultural heritage of Afghanistan and the current state of conservation of historical monuments and archaeological remains of the country. He will conclude with a brief analysis of the challenges and the way forward.
Annual Bruce Wannell Memorial Lecture
Why not join us for the ‘Herbert House: A York case study’ and a drinks reception prior to this event?
You may also be interested in the Bruce Wannell Memorial Exhibitions running throughout the Festival, ‘Arts of the Islamic World’ and ‘Lenses Across Time: Views of Afghanistan’.
Photo credit: Robert Hillenbrand
About the speaker
Born in Badakhshan, Afghanistan, Dr Sayed Mossadeq Khalili is an architectural historian (Islamic Art and Architecture) and former diplomat. He served as Afghanistan Ambassador to the Czech Republic 2016-2019, as Deputy Minister of Information and Culture 2011-2015, and as Acting Minister at the Ministry of Culture in 2015. In these capacities, he has rendered an important contribution in offering strategic guidance and advice for the development of robust and effective policies to protect and further develop Afghanistan’s cultural heritage.
Mossadeq has maintained an extensive professional career as a strong and effective advocate in support of preserving and enhancing Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage. He studied Architecture at Polytechnic University in Kabul, then received a scholarship from the Government of France to continue his studies in France. He has a Master Degree from the Grenoble University of Architecture and a PhD in History of Art from EPHE-PSL University of Paris, France. Mossadeq currently serves as a Research Associate at Grenoble University of Architecture in France. He has produced a rich compilation of articles, analysis and other literature on Islamic Architecture, cultural and social issues, which have been widely disseminated throughout Afghanistan and abroad. He is fluent in Dari, Pashtu, English and French, and Urdu languages.