Fool: In search of Henry VIII’s closest man Peter K Andersson
Event details
In some portraits of Henry VIII there appears another, striking figure - a gaunt and morose-looking man with a shaved head and, in one case, a monkey on his shoulder. This is William or “Will” Somer, the king’s fool, a celebrated wit who reportedly could raise Henry’s spirits and spent many hours with him, often alone. Was Somer an “artificial fool,” a cunning comic who could speak freely in front of the king, or a “natural fool,” someone with intellectual disabilities, like many other members of the profession? And what role did he play in the tumultuous and violent Tudor era?
Join historian Peter K. Andersson, author of Fool, as he explores the life of Somer. Unearthing as many facts as possible, Peter has pieced together the fullest picture yet of this enigmatic and unusual man. Somer’s story provides new insights into how fools lived and what exactly they did for a living, how monarchs and courtiers related to commoners and people with disabilities, and whether aspects of the Renaissance fool live on in the modern comedian.
This event will take place live on Zoom Webinar. You will receive a link to join a couple of days before the event and a reminder an hour before. During the event, you can ask questions via a Q&A function, but audience cameras and microphones will remain muted throughout.
The Jane Moody In Memoriam Event
Book sales
You can buy copies of many of our speakers’ books from Fox Lane Books, a local independent bookseller and Festival partner. In some cases, author signed bookplates are available too.
About the speaker
Peter K Andersson is Senior Lecturer in History at Örebro University in Sweden. He is the author of Streetlife in Late Victorian London and Silent History.