The House of Lords to a House of Charities? Andrew Shanks
Event details
Any reform of the House of Lords opens up the possibility of a complete reinvention of the upper chamber in the UK's two chamber system with the creation of a manifestly independent body to review and challenge government legislation.
With hereditary peers gone and party-political life peers gone, who might best take on that role? Who might have the necessary breadth and depth of experience of the needs of the wider UK population and the gravitas to hold the government and the House of Commons to account?
Join Andrew Shanks of Amnesty International York as he argues for the co-option of charities into a newly constituted chamber who, through their work, are distinguished as moral representatives of the public conscience.
A Q&A will follow Andrew’s talk with a chance to debate both his proposition and raise other alternatives.
Bookings for this event must be made by email - click on the 'book tickets' button above to email the organiser.
Amnesty International York
Amnesty International York is a local group which works to support human rights internationally and in the UK. It is part of Amnesty International UK based in London.
Image credit: Flickr/San Sharma
About the speaker
Andrew Shanks is the author of books on philosophy and religion, a former canon of Manchester Cathedral, a poet and a member of Amnesty International York.