Improving Lives Through Biomedical Science
Event details
Biomedical scientists are a crucial cog in the NHS wheel. Without these dedicated professionals, hospitals and healthcare clinics would not run properly and patient care would be severely affected. But what does a biomedical scientist actually do?
Simply put, trained scientists conduct specialist tests to support the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Biomedical scientists are critical to the running of pathology clinics, A&E, operating theatres, blood transfusion and organ transplant services. They are also involved in the design and testing of new diagnostic techniques, important for improving healthcare practice.
Come along and meet scientists for a hands-on event in a working laboratory at York St John University. Safely participate in real experiments to diagnose and treat sick patients and hear more about this exciting and rewarding career.
Suitable for ages 10 +.
Find out more about the Disease Detection and Prevention research group at York St John University.