Solar City York: Powering up our community
Event details
Decarbonising our power needs is one of the most important tasks facing us in the transition to a sustainable future, touching every corner of the city of York. Join York Community Energy (YCE) for an interactive workshop and learn more about the Solar City York project, which aims to use York’s rooftops to start a community energy revolution in the city.
Using an interactive map of York, YCE will be asking you what you would like the future of energy in the city to look like - where would you like to see solar panels in the city? Do you want to see a wind turbine generating power on the outskirts of York? What does sustainable energy generation look like for all of the households in our community? How can renewable energy generation help us address fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis?
Come along and explore the power of community-owned solar power generation in York. Bring your opinions, ideas and questions and help shape the future of York’s energy system together.
York Community Energy
York Community Energy is an independent, volunteer-run social enterprise working to address energy and climate issues in the York area. We offer advice, support, and services to help reduce the energy needs of our homes, and work to establish community-owned renewable energy generation.