The Business of Art: How to build your brand Cherie Federico
Event details
The UK has been living in and out of austerity for over a decade. Public funding has been cut and university arts departments are being dismantled. It’s easy to feel disheartened in the current landscape. But the truth is, art is everywhere – and so are opportunities.
The creative industries play a fundamental role in placemaking. Globally, the sector contributes towards developing sustainable, inclusive and more dynamic cities. York is a UNESCO city of Media Arts - how can we leverage this designation to drive inward investment? How can we make real step change individually and collectively? Moreover, how can we, as creatives, develop a new business model and diversify our income streams?
But where to start? How can we be more ambitious - think bigger and bolder? There are so many ways to build a brand: collaborations, commercial partnerships, sales, marketing strategies.
Join Cherie Federico, Director and co-founder of Aesthetica, as she demystifies the process, empowering you to achieve milestones.
About the speaker
Cherie Federico is the Director and co-founder of Aesthetica, the internationally acclaimed British art and culture media organisation that began with Aesthetica Magazine in 2003. Aesthetica is a multi-platform brand with an international audience of 550,000. With a focus on talent development in lens-based media including art, photography and film, Aesthetica’s portfolio of awards and events celebrate excellence from both new and established practitioners who are contributing to the global dialogue on how art helps us to make sense of the world. These comprise the Aesthetica Short Film Festival, which is BAFTA-Qualifying, the Aesthetica Art Prize, the Future Now Symposium and the Creative Writing Award alongside initiatives such as Reignite and the Creative Business Skills Academy. Cherie was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University of the Arts London for her contribution to landscape of contemporary visual culture.