The Impact of Paper on Your Trust in the News Sarah Cooper
Event details
We all know our senses work together to help shape the way we make meaning of the world around us. But how does our sense of touch impact how we consume journalistic content, especially in the digital world?
Sarah Cooper of York St John University explores haptics – the science of touch – arguing that while the importance of our sense of touch has been recognised in marketing, it’s been undervalued by the digital world. Has this affected our experience of the world around us, including our belief in the trustworthiness of news articles?
Join Sarah as she highlights the power of your sense of touch, providing examples of its influence. Discover if you undervalue the sensory stimuli of touch in your daily life.
Image credit: True Agency on Unsplash
About the speaker
Dr Sarah Cooper is a Senior Lecturer at York Business School, York St John University. Her PhD investigated how haptics impacts upon the consumption of journalistic content. She has taught in higher education since 2007 and has worked as a journalist in the UK, the UAE, Australia and Hungary, since 1999.