Festival Fringe Family Fun Afternoon
Event details
Join us for an afternoon of energetic, crafty, puzzling, scientific and historical fun with University of York postgraduate students and staff at this year’s Festival Fringe Family Fun Afternoon.
Learn about the 'zoo' in your belly, devise a code to write secret messages, see if you can tell the difference between a black and a brown rat just from their skeleton, and much, much more! Why not come along and explore some of the exciting research projects taking place at the University of York?
No ticket needed - just come along. This event is particularly suitable for five to 11-year-olds, but other family members are welcome too!
Activities include:
The Power of Smells: Can food make us remember?
Food and memories are intimately linked and we often find we can recall events or instances from our lives in surprising detail when memories are stimulated by a particular food aromas. Let's see what memories you can uncover!
The Power of... Words
Try your hand at cut-up poetry and blackout poetry to create your own work of literature to take home!
The Power of Plants
Learn about the 'zoo' in your belly and how feeding it with colour and variety helps us to thrive!
A Multisensory Adventure
How well can you match sounds with different landscapes? How can a piece of music influence your creativity? Can you guess what is inside the mystery touchy smelly box? Join us as we put all of your senses to the test!
The Power of Viruses
Viruses are all around us. Some are bad and can make us sick, but some are good and can be used as weapons to fight harmful germs. There will be opportunities to play with and manipulate 3D printed viruses, to shrink down and zoom around viruses in virtual reality, and to hunt for viruses around the exhibition.
Black Rat, Brown Rat
In this activity we look at ancient rats across Europe dating from the Iron Age to the post medieval period. Can you recognise the difference between a black and a brown rat just from looking at their skeleton? You'll also get to walk away with your own DNA bracelet!
Seed Planting
Planting seeds brings immense joy as you can find yourself in nature. Trowels, gloves, pots, and seeds of herbs/flowers will be provided and you will walk away with your own little seedling pots to take home and watch grow.
Getting Ready with the Georgians
Interested in fashion? Have a go at dressing up a paper cut-out Georgian, whether it's a wealthy aristocrat or a domestic servant who just has hand-me-downs to contend with... Let's see what you've got!
The Power of Common Land
In this activity, you will gather resources from the common land and dictate how they should be used... Maybe you'll even get to build your own house?
Have a Go at Being a Stone Age Child
What was it like to be a child in prehistory? It turns out that children not only had their own toys, but also took part in chores. In this activity you'll have chance to create and decorate your own Neolithic pinch pot!
The Power of the Alphabet: Crack Anne Lister’s Code
Let us introduce you to Anne Lister, an early 19th century diarist and LGBTQIA+ icon. You will be put to the test as you translate Lister’s code and then you will have a go at devising your own code to write secret messages.
Can You Do IT?
Explore how your brain works through fun, interactive activities that promote your ability to use both sides of the body together.
Photo credit: Alex Holland, University of York