This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Saturday 8 June 2024, 10.30am to 12pm
  • Location: In-person only
    AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Campus West, University of York (Map)
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

Explore the different ways languages are used in a fun interactive Kamishibai storytelling session led by Géraldine Enjelvin, Yumi Nixon and Ulrike Wray of the University of York.

Join them for an introduction to French, German and Japanese for beginners through: 

  • Kamishibai (a traditional Japanese form of storytelling with picture cards)
  • Storytelling (based on a Chinese tale) 
  • Learn how words are used; e.g. numbers, colours
  • Learn how to make a paper figure, using origami 

Presented by York Cares and the University of York’s Department of Language and Linguistic Science, this event is perfect for children aged seven to 11 and their families.

York Cares

York Cares is an employee-volunteering charity, bringing businesses, employees and communities together to make York a better place.

Why not come along and discover the amazing power of language?

You may also be interested in two other events presented by York Cares, ‘Green Corridors for Tansy Beetle Conservation’ on Monday 3 June and ‘Summer Sparkle’ on Thursday 13 June. 


York Cares University of York

Venue details

  • Wheelchair accessible