Festival Focus
Throughout the Festival, we present a number of themed events on some of today’s most pressing issues. Join us for one event or attend the whole series.
Driving Innovation
Saturday 1 June and Friday 7 June
In collaboration with the French Embassy in the UK we examine two contemporary issues – how to preserve our heritage and science in sport. Our discussions begin with two key events in Paris this year – the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral and the 2024 Olympic Games.

Reimagining Wealth to Support a More Equitable and Just Future
Friday 7 June
At a series of interactive events supported by Joseph Rowntree Foundation, we will reimagine the future of ‘wealth’. Key areas of focus include community wealth building, and the generation and distribution of wealth. Come along and join in the conversation.
Reimagining Wealth to Support a More Equitable and Just Future

2024: A new world order?
Sunday 9 June
In 2024, more than half of the world’s population will go to the polls. What will these elections mean for the world order and global security? Our experts discuss the dynamics and safety of elections, plus their implications for the future of democracy.

York Trailblazers: People make history
Events throughout the Festival
York Trailblazers, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, is bringing to light some of York’s lesser-known pioneers, inspiring residents to discover and celebrate the history and heritage stories of people who are important to our local communities.