Eoforwic: Celebrating Anglo-Saxon York Jamie Hall, Christina Lee, Liz Walsh and Richard Walsh
Event details
In York we are surrounded by reminders of the Roman and Viking past. Anglo-Saxon York, or Eoforwic, is far less visible in the city today than Roman Eboracum or Danish Jorvik. But the Anglian era of York’s history, between the Roman occupation and the Viking conquest, lasted for longer than those two eras put together. Join us as we delve into the Anglo-Saxon past and discover clues to life in Anglian York.
Anglo-Saxon Remedies
11.30am to 12.30pm
Find out more about medieval medicine with Christina Lee of the University of Nottingham. Discover why, far from being irrational and full of superstition, treatments and healing in the period were based on a method-based approach that is rational and, at least in some areas, based on observation and evidence.
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The Anglo-Saxon Smith: Unknown, or unknowable?
1.30pm to 2.30pm
Contemporary and medieval metalworker Jamie Hall discusses the way that we think about smiths from the Early Middle Ages, what can be learned by practise, and why - despite the awe-inspiring metalwork that they left behind – the lives of the smiths themselves are almost invisible in the archaeological record.
Book a ticket for The Anglo-Saxon Smith: Unknown, or unknowable?
A Clash of Cultures
3pm to 4pm
The Saxon Living History group Deoringas use replica early medieval instruments and primary sources to examine how music may have been used in the 7th and 8th centuries. Join them as they provide an accessible overview of the music, poetry and influences of the varied cultures represented at the Synod of Whitby in 664CE.
Book a ticket for A Clash of Cultures
About the speakers
Jamie Hall of Primitive Method is a contemporary and medieval metalworker He has worked with organisations including the Wellcome Trust, UCL’s Institute of Archaeology, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, and also appeared on the TV series Museum Secrets.
Dr Christina Lee is an Associate Professor in Viking Studies at the University of Nottingham. Her main research interest is concepts of health in the early medieval period - especially Anglo-Saxon England and the Viking World. What is considered to be 'healthy' at a time when there are fewer methods of cure? She has written extensively on whether modern ideas of disability can be projected back to a medieval context. Until October 2018 she was the Chair of 'Teachers of Old English in Britain and Ireland' and is the First Vice President for the Global head organisation of Anglo-Saxon Studies (ISAS).
Richard and Liz Walsh (Deoringas) first met at Durham University. Having a strong interest in the history of the Anglo Saxon era, especially the conversion period, they use their experience as musicians in modern life to explore the instruments and poetry of the time. Working both as Deoringas and also as long-standing members of Regia Anglorum, one of the UK’s primary re-enactment societies, they have participated in living history events at sites including York, West Stow, Bamburgh and the World According to Bede at Jarrow.