Clean Air Day: Air pollution and York Liz Bates, David Carslaw and Alastair Lewis
Event details
Air pollution - it’s all over the news and all over our cities, but what do YOU really want to know about it? Come along to find out about air quality research at the University of York, how it relates to this beautiful city and where it impacts on our everyday lives. Take the opportunity to quiz experts from the University and City of York Council on all things air pollution, and consider the simple things that can be done to help improve the air we breathe.
Hosted by the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories at the University of York, this event aims to raise awareness of air pollution issues - particularly in York - ahead of Clean Air Day (20 June), the UK’s largest air pollution campaign.
About the speakers
Dr David Carslaw is a Reader in the Department of Chemistry at the University of York. His research is focused on developing a better understanding of urban air pollution, particularly around emissions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Much of his work is aimed at better quantifying vehicle emissions under urban driving conditions. Another area of focus is the development of receptor modelling approaches to improve understanding of the influence of different emission sources on ambient concentrations.
Alastair Lewis is Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of York working within the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories. He is also currently Deputy Director of, and Director for atmospheric composition, at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). He has participated in over 30 major atmospheric science field projects, from polar regions to tropical oceans, city centres to remote forests. He is a member of a number of expert advisory groups including for Defra, the World Meteorological Organisation and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).