Found Fiction Story Hunt
Event details
A good story makes you feel like you're in the world of its characters. But it’s not very often you get the chance to literally walk the streets of a story's setting while you're turning the pages. Join us for a chance to do just that with this literary treasure hunt.
A cross between geo-caching and Pokémon GO, the #foundfiction story hunt invites you to search for extracts from a prize-winning short story based on the Festival’s theme, A World of Wonder. Tucked away in hidden locations across York city centre, the first extract will contain a clue to the whereabouts of the second, and so on, until all five extracts are found.
Piece the story together and share your experiences to social media using #foundfiction. Will you be the first person to complete the hunt?
Hunt starts at York Explore Library, Library Square.
Find out more at foundfiction.org.
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About Found Fiction
#foundfiction is a guerrilla publishing community connecting readers and writers across the world. We leave short stories in envelopes marked READ ME in public spaces – because the best stories you find are the ones that find you. Learn more at foundfiction.org