Henry VIII and the Men Who Made Him Tracy Borman
Event details
Henry VIII is well known for his tumultuous relationships with women and he is often defined by his many marriages. But what do we see if we take a different look? When we see Henry through the men in his life, a new perspective on this famous king emerges...
Join Tracy Borman, author of Henry VIII and the Men Who Made Him, as she reveals Henry's personality in all its multi-faceted, contradictory glory.
Learn how Henry's relationships with the men who surrounded show him to be capable of fierce, but seldom abiding loyalty; of raising men only to destroy them later. Often trusting and easily led by his male attendants and advisers during the early years of his reign, he matured into a profoundly suspicious and paranoid king whose favour could be suddenly withdrawn, as many of his later servants found to their cost.
His cruelty and ruthlessness would become ever more apparent as his reign progressed, but the tenderness he displayed towards those he trusted proves he was never the one-dimensional monster he is often portrayed as.
About the speaker
Dr Tracy Borman studied and taught history at the University of Hull. She went on to a successful career in heritage and has worked for a range of historic properties and national heritage organisations, including the Heritage Lottery Fund, The National Archives and English Heritage.
She is now Chief Executive of the Heritage Education Trust, a charity that encourages children to visit and learn from historic properties through the Sandford Award scheme. She is also joint Chief Curator for Historic Royal Palaces, the charity that manages Hampton Court Palace, the Tower of London, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace, the Banqueting House, Whitehall and Hillsborough Castle.
Tracy often appears on television and radio, and is a regular contributor to history magazines, notably BBC History. Follow Tracy on Twitter: @BormanTracy