Love Factually: The science of who, how and why we love Laura Mucha
Event details
What is love? Does love at first sight exist? Why do people cheat?
Poets, philosophers and artists have been trying to explain romantic love for centuries, but it remains one of the most complex and intimidating terrains to navigate - especially when your own heart is on the line.
Author Laura Mucha interviewed hundreds of strangers between the ages of eight to 95, in over 40 countries on every continent of the world, asking them to share their most personal stories, feelings and insights about romantic love.
Join Laura, author of Love Factually, as she draws on psychology, philosophy, anthropology and mathematics to explore the science of who, how and why we love.
About the speaker
Laura Mucha is the author of Love Factually: The science of who, how and why we love (Bloomsbury). She also writes for children, usually in the form of poems, picture books, fiction and non-fiction. In 2016, she won the Caterpillar Poetry Prize, and her non-fiction and poetry has been widely published around the world. Her poems have been illustrated by Chris Riddell, set to music by Cheryl Frances-Hoad, and performed by Helena Bonham Carter. She has performed on BBC Radio 3, her poem The Land of Blue was featured on BBC Radio 6 Music, and Poetry Ireland featured Laura as one of eight poets displayed on the Dublin overground.
Her professional background is varied: she worked as a face painter, studied flying trapeze, philosophy and psychology, and swam in Antarctica before becoming a lawyer at an international law firm. Find out more at lauramucha.com.