Arts for Health and Wellbeing Stephen Clift, Vivien Ellis and Nicola Gill
Event details
How can arts benefit health and wellbeing?
Join singer Vivien Ellis, York GP Training Director Nicola Gill and Stephen Clift, Director of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre, to discover how the arts can benefit everyone’s health and wellbeing.
We’ll look specifically at how singing reduces loneliness, benefits the heart and lungs, boosts the immune system and relieves stress.
You’ll also hear about the work that is being done in York and across the country with social prescribing to link patients to arts projects and groups. Come along and learn what is being done in York to ensure the next generation of GPs is inspired to promote the benefits of the arts to their patients.
Most importantly you’ll be able to experience the benefits of the arts for yourself by taking part in a friendly, fun singing session in the beautiful space of the National Centre for Early Music. Everyone is welcome to take part - or just to come and listen.
About the speakers
Stephen Clift is the Director of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health; Professor of Health Education in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Canterbury Christ Church University and a Professorial Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH). His current interests relate to arts and heath and particularly the potential value of group singing for health and wellbeing. He helped to found the journal Arts and Health and was the first chair of the steering group for the RSPH Special Interest Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing.
Vivien Ellis is a Grammy-nominated singer who leads several choirs for wellbeing, including a weekly drop-in group at the award-winning Dragon Cafe, a pioneering user-led creative cafe for mental health in the London Borough of Southwark. She is an Associate of Sidney De Haan Centre for Arts & Health Research, working to develop models and resources for arts and health training for creative artists and health professionals, particularly GPs.
Dr Nicola Gill is a Programme Director of York GP Training Scheme. She facilitates seminars using the creative arts to help doctors offer compassionate care and improve their understanding of the patients’ experience of illness. She is founder of the website The Art of Medicine, a creative arts resource for learning, teaching and maintaining the art of medicine.