Photons and Phantoms: A York tour Lara Stafford
Event details
Where does light go after hitting the Minster windows? What stops the Merchant Adventurers’ Hall roof from falling down? What’s the truth behind the Vikings’ ‘magic stones’?
Join actor and physics teacher Lara Stafford on a science tour that promises to change the way you see York! Witness an experiment or two, and discover the wonder hidden in the places we pass every day.
All ages welcome. Email Lara@theatreofscience.co.uk to book your ticket or to arrange an accessible tour.
About the speaker
Lara Stafford left Manchester University in 2003. “Ooh, Manchester’s great for physics isn’t it Miss?” say her A-level science students. “Yes”, she replies. They do not need to know she studied Drama the first time round. Eventually a love of physics and a desire to have a job led her to a Science degree and she trained as a teacher. Now with first class honours in both theatre and science and a wasted youth spent working in The York Dungeon, she delivers projects intended to inspire young people towards careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. www.theatreofscience.co.uk