Celebrating the Garden Village of New Earswick John Boughton, Gillian Darley and Campbell Robb
Event details
Joseph Rowntree’s wish to improve people’s living conditions was first realised in 1902 in the historic garden village of New Earswick. It went on to lay the foundations for the development of social housing in Britain in the wake of the First World War.
Come along to New Earswick and join Campbell Robb, CEO of JRF and JRHT, in conversation with John Boughton, author of Municipal Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Council Housing and Gillian Darley, author of Villages of Vision, and learn more.
After the panel discussion from 11am to 12.30pm and an opportunity for having lunch/coffee, you’ll be able to take a look around the newly refurbished Folk Hall and go on a guided walk around the village at 2pm.
About the speakers
John Boughton is the author of Municipal Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Council Housing (Verso, 2018) and the Municipal Dreams blog which celebrates the efforts and achievements of our early municipal reformers.
Gillian Darley is a writer and broadcaster, and the author of Villages of Vision. Her interests focus on intriguing buildings, beguiling landscapes and inspiring people.
Campbell Robb joined the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust as Chief Executive in January 2017. Before joining JRF and JRHT, Campbell was the Chief Executive of Shelter for seven years. He is a trustee of Care International UK. Follow Campbell on Twitter at @campbell_robb
The Rowntree Society
The mission of the Rowntree Society is to further knowledge about the Rowntree legacy and its continuing relevance today. Famed as hugely successful chocolate makers, the Quaker Rowntrees were leading pioneers in the area of business management and industrial welfare, monitoring levels of poverty in York, and the garden village of New Earswick – all subjects that still have a resonance in our days.