Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud Suzanne Fagence Cooper
Event details
Join Suzanne Fagence Cooper of York Art Gallery for a curator’s tour of the Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud: Watercolours and Drawings exhibition.
Running until 23 June 2019, the exhibition celebrates Ruskin’s 200th birthday and considers the eloquent critical relationship John Ruskin (1819-1900) had with the landscapes of J M W Turner (1775-1851). Join Suzanne and learn more about this vibrant artistic relationship.
View watercolours and drawings on loan from museums including Tate, the Ashmolean and Manchester, and discover how the the exhibition encourages us to explore links between art, the environment and well-being.
Caption and credit: J M W Turner, 'Constance', 1842, watercolour, York Art Gallery
About the speaker
Suzanne Fagence Cooper is Research Curator at York Art Gallery and an Honorary Visiting Fellow in the University of York’s Department of History of Art. She was previously a curator and Research Fellow at the V&A Museum for 12 years. She has worked as a consultant for a number of TV and film projects including Simon Schama’s History of Britain. She lectures for Cunard and the Arts Society and is a tour director for Ace Cultural Tours. Her latest book is To See Clearly: Why Ruskin Matters. suzannefagencecooper.blogspot.com/