Toleration: An outdated concept?
Sunday 9 June
The murdered MP Jo Cox said ‘there is more that unites us than divides us’, expressing a sentiment often offered after conflicts or atrocities. But is this a utopian dream? Do division and mutual suspicion characterise modern societies?
Our Festival Focus Day explores the rise of the so-called ‘uncivil’ society. Why do people become alienated? Why do we fear difference? Does division paradoxically reflect a human need to belong? Is this need to belong more acute as globalisation spreads? Our expert speakers include Danny Dorling, author of Rule Britannia; Kim Leadbeater, an Ambassador for the Jo Cox Foundation which was set up after the murder of her sister, Jo Cox MP; Matthew Goodwin of the University of Kent; Jonathan Isaby, Editor of BrexitCentral; Noga Levy-Rapoport of the UK Student Climate Network; Elli Narewska of the Guardian Foundation; Charlotte O’Brien of the University of York; Gianni Rufini, Director General of Amnesty International Italy; and Cephas Williams of the 56 Black Men campaign.
Join in the conversation as we discuss if toleration has become an outdated concept.
Our Focus Day Is presented in collaboration with The Morrell Centre for Toleration, which is generously supported by the C and JB Morrell Trust.
Work at the University of York is focused around seven research themes which align our academic strengths to best meet the grand scientific, social and environmental challenges of our time. Learn more about the Justice and equality and Culture and communication research themes.