Tattoo: The body as archive Bethan Jones, Sarah Weston and Nina Willment
Event details
Tattooing has had a long and abiding association with seamen and criminals, but times are changing.
Tattooing has now become mainstream, with 35% of British citizens aged 30-39 sporting them somewhere on their bodies.
Join our panel of experts to hear all about the world of complex and unexpected imagery that people throughout history have used to inscribe their identities on their bodies.
Explore the idea of the body as an archive, learn about the social networks and ideas of the self that tattooing can express, and find out how we can go about recovering the insights that it can reveal.
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Image courtesy of Royal Museums Greenwich
About the speakers
Bethan Jones is a Research Associate in the School of Arts and Creative Technologies at the University of York. She has written extensively about tattoos, fandom, gender and participatory culture, and has been published in journals such as Sexualities, Transformative Works and Cultures, and New Media and Society. Bethan is co-editor of Popular Communication, on the board of the Fan Studies Network, and co-chair of the SCMS Fan and Audience Studies Scholarly Interest Group.
Sarah Weston is currently undertaking a collaborative PhD studentship working on a project between Royal Holloway University of London and Royal Museums Greenwich. The project looks at domestic spaces on Royal Navy battleships 1880-1939 and how they influenced the identities of the seamen. Sarah co-hosts an online series of events with accompanying podcasts called Exploding the Archive, which delve into the hot topics of archival research and the ways in which traditional ideas of the archive are being explored by new methodologies and ways of thinking.
Nina Willment is a Research Associate in the School of Arts and Creative Technologies at the University of York. Her research focuses on forms of artistic and creative work, digital technologies and innovative forms of labour. Nina previously received research funding from Santander Bank to examine the cultural and religious significance of Sak Yant tattoos and their geographical connections to South East Asia. This research was shortlisted for the Royal Geographical Society microlecture series.