A Turbulent Entanglement: German-Greek relations Kalliopi Pasmatzi and David Charlston
Event details
The debt crisis saw Venus of Milos flipping off Europe and Berlin’s Victory Column holding a swastika. How indicative are such ephemeral signs of German-Greek relations? Are German-Greek relations a story of counter-accusations?
Despite the recent portrayal of Greece as Europe’s crisis-ridden ‘Other’, German-Greek relations have a long-standing history, with Philhellenism witnessing the import of ancient Greek thought into Germany. Beyond antiquity, an examination of their current cross-cultural exchanges weaves a narrative of German-Greek relations as one of mutually beneficial exchange.
This intriguing talk examines the circulation of Modern Greek literature in Germany and how specific publishers enact German-Greek cultural relations. Join us for unique insights into the complex encounters of these two cultures.
Please note that there is limited wheelchair access. Email yorkfestivalofideas@york.ac.uk for questions regarding accessibility.
About the speakers
Kalliopi Pasmatzi completed her PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester in 2014. She is currently Assistant Professor in Translation Studies and Research Director of the Humanities Department at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus. Her research interests lie in sociological approaches to translation, literary translation, Bourdieu and cultural production. Since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial board of the journal New Voices in Translation Studies.
David Charlston is an independent researcher, teacher, translator and co-editor of New Voices in Translation Studies. His research interests include the sociology of philosophy in translation. He recently translated The Position of the German Language in the World by Ulrich Ammon (2019) and published his own research monograph, Translation and Hegel’s Philosophy: A Transformative, Socio-narrative Approach to AV Miller’s Cold-War Retranslations (2020).