Street Wisdom Diane Tricker
Event details
Answers are everywhere - you just have to ask!
Street Wisdom is a brilliant way to problem-solve and expand your sense of possibility in partnership with the world around you. It is an everyday creative practice you use as you walk. A smart fusion of mindfulness, neuroscience and wellness, it unlocks our minds and unblocks our creativity with every step.
Suddenly every street is full of inspiration. And whatever our questions, we are indeed finding answers all around us!
Join us on this inspiring 1.5-hour-long tour, which is divided into three sections:
- TUNE UP - Complete a series of short exercises designed to ‘tune up’ your senses to the world around you.
- QUEST - Choose a question you would like some fresh thinking on and/or new answers to, and then set off in search of insights, ideas and answers, looking for signs and signals from the streets you explore.
- REFLECT - Come back to reflect on what you learned, and how to apply your insights moving forward.
Your guide on this voyage of discovery will be Diane Tricker, a professionally trained and experienced Street Wisdom Coach who will introduce you to other participants, help you relax and focus, and give you plenty of time and space to make discoveries on your own personal quest. As we go along, there will also be time to share discoveries with other walkers.
And the best thing is, once you have experienced the Street Wisdom process, you will be able to use it again and again on your own.
Meet by the statue of Constantine the Great at 4 Minster Yard.
You may also be interested in an online talk by Coaching York: Are You Being Nudged? Spotting and responding to hidden persuaders - book your free tickets here.
Image credit: © Steve Gorton
Coaching York
Coaching York Ltd is a social enterprise and Company Limited by Guarantee. They help people raise the quality of their thinking around things that are important to them and have better conversations. It is an extensive network of over 70 members, comprising professional coaches, academics, HR specialists and people who use a coaching approach in work. Coaching York provides professional coaching services on a contracted and pro-bono basis, including community-based coaching. Its members are committed to the goal of enabling more and more people to experience coaching and live its benefits.
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About the speaker
Diane Tricker is an ICF Associate Certified Personal and Business Coach. In her business, Impact Coaching, Diane works across a wide range of sectors, she enjoys working both with individuals and within groups, and loves seeing the positive impact of transformative coaching ripple out across organisations and personal networks.