Festival research events
Unlike with an academic conference, the Festival is aimed at a general audience, so that anyone of any educational background can attend an event. Please think creatively about different ways of presenting your research.
Previous examples of formats and events include:
Shakespeare's Shipwrecks: The Tempest in ten objects
Lasting up to an hour, your talk needs to be engaging and accessible, with plenty of time included for questions and answers. Lauren Working, Lecturer in Early Modern Literature, investigated objects in the world of Shakespeare's The Tempest - from the fractured, storm-tossed ship, to magical books and glittering clothing - bringing fresh perspectives on the story.
Flash Talks
The Power of Statistics in Sport
If you are hoping to do a talk, you may also be interested in presenting a 'flash talk'. These are back-to-back TED-style talks of 20 minutes in a city centre location, designed to create a buzz and bring research into the city. Statisticians Jessica Hargreaves and Ben Powell revealed how professional sport is increasingly using data to help make decisions on everything from tactics and strategy to recruitment.
Online Panels
Infinite Remembering: Poetry beyond love and war
Anthony Vahni Capildeo, Writer in Residence at the University, ran an online event with a global panel of literature experts that encompassed a creative mixture of poetry and discussion, all revolving around the subject of Sri Lankan and diaspora poetry.
Hands-on Family Activities
Each year the Festival offers departments the chance to provide hands-on family activities in venues across the city, providing great opportunities to highlight University research and showcase exciting educational activities across all subject areas. In 2024, for example, researchers sparked children's imaginations and brought their research to life at Discovery Zone events in Acomb and New Earswick.
300 Years of Body Positivity and Neutrality
PhD researchers Francesca Killoran and Charlotte Goodge led a session on the history of body positivity and body acceptance via a zine-making workshop inspired by 18th-century pamphlets.
Handling History: Exploring dress accessories
Art historians brought the collection of the Digital Museum of Dress Accessories (DMDA) to life via a handling workshop that allowed audiences to interact with objects in the collection.
Researchers from XR Stories ran an interactive children’s workshop in which toys were scanned to capture 3D digital replicas, and then brought to life on screen with a motion capture actor.
Walking Tours
PhD researcher Chantal Berry and Laura Denning, artist in residence at the University's Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity, collaborated to create a soundwalk through the city of York which encompassed elements of history and spiritual reflection.
The Mind Reader vs The Machine
Neuroscientists Elisa Zamboni and Aneurin J Kennerley presented a Mind Reader vs the Machine stage spectacle where a mind reader competes against fMRI technology to see which is more accurate.
A group of PhD scientists have led interactive games to teach children about epidemics via a fictional zombie takeover of York.
Submissions for June 2025 are now closed.
If you'd like to discuss possible formats for your event with the Festival team, please contact Naomi Richards at yorkfestivalofideas-admin@york.ac.uk.