Postcapitalism: What it is and why it matters Alasdair Lord
Event details
Capitalism is in crisis, and according to the World Economic Forum -or Davos Group as they are sometimes known - the only alternative is capitalism 2.0. In his Renaissance Yorkshireman Podcast, Alasdair Lord argues this is absolutely not the case.
Alasdair will explain how postcapitalism, or Game B (as opposed to the current 'Game A' of neo-liberal capitalist 'democracy'), presents radical workable alternative socio-economic and political systems. He will explore key aspects of these systems including: alternative currency systems, psychological change, non-state forms and tackling the military-industrial complex.
Using the five capitals framework to describe some of the key failings of both the philosophy and practicalities of capitalism, he will explain how Copiosis is a workable alternative currency to the failing casino-like farce of Wall Street bankers gambling away the livelihoods of ordinary people. He will also explore the importance of Dunbar's number and Plato's number for building non-state forms (such as eco-villages, intentional communities or anarchist communes). He will also touch on the role of the military-industrial-complex and some of the psychological changes necessary for making these changes.
Join podcaster Alasdair as he presents some of the myriad alternatives to capitalism.
This is a YouTube Premiere event. You’ll be sent a link to the screening a couple of days before it takes place, as well as a reminder an hour before.
About the speaker
Alasdair Lord was born and grew up in York. He holds a BA (Hons) Latin American Studies and an MSc Water and Environmental Management. He was an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher working for extended periods in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Spain and the UK. He was formerly the Education for Sustainable Development Coordinator for the British Council (Thailand) in Bangkok and worked on their climate change project in conjunction with the Thai Ministry of Education. He worked in the International Pathway College at the University of York until September 2019. He is currently self-employed as a podcaster (The Renaissance Yorkshireman Podcast) and as an online coach. He is author of The Tao of Sustainable Development: A New Postcapitalist Paradigm. He is a Buddhist convert and speaks fluent Spanish and Thai.