Rowntree Archives Revealed Sally-Anne Shearn, Catherine Oakley, Kevin Tennent and Sue Mendus
Event details
The Rowntrees are one of York’s most famous families. From the global success of the Rowntree confectionery company to the pioneering work of the Rowntree Trusts, their place in the city’s history is assured. But what of their future?
To mark the completion of a Wellcome Trust funded project to catalogue the Rowntree archives at the Borthwick Institute for Archives in York, our speakers explain how we can unlock the archives’ full potential, now and in the future.
Join us as we explore the company, family and Trust archives through short talks by Sally-Anne Shearn of the Borthwick Institute for Archives; Catherine Oakley of The Rowntree Society; Kevin Tennent of the York Management School, University of York; and Sue Mendus of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust.
This event is hosted live on Zoom Webinar. You’ll receive a link to join a couple of days before the event takes place and a reminder an hour before. During the event, you can ask questions via a Q&A function but audience cameras and microphones will remain muted throughout.
Image credit: Borthwick Institute for Archives
About the speakers
Dr Sally-Anne Shearn is Collections Information Archivist at the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York, with additional responsibility for their volunteering programme. From 2017 to 2019 she catalogued the archives of the Rowntree family and Trusts as part of a Wellcome Trust funded project to improve access to archives relating to the social sciences.
Dr Catherine Oakley is Executive Director at The Rowntree Society. The Rowntree Society is a registered educational charity based in York. Its mission is to build and share knowledge about the histories of the Rowntree family, company, and trusts and their continuing relevance today.
Dr Kevin Tennent is a Senior Lecturer in Management at the York Management School, University of York. His research focuses on the themes of governance and strategy in management history, across the fields of sport, international business, the music industry, and transport.
Professor Sue Mendus is a Director of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Board, a member of the North Committee of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and Morrell Professor Emerita in Political Philosophy at the University of York. She is a Trustee of the C & J B Morrell Trust, and a former Director of the Morrell Centre for Toleration at the University of York.