Fun with Numbers
Have fun with maths as you play a Guess Who inspired-game with numbers, Connect 4 bingo and the Animal Board Game.
Brought to you by York Cares and the University of York’s NumberLab, you’ll find these and other engaging Maths activities and resources for children, parents, teachers and volunteers online here.
What you will need:
- Pens and paper
- You can find printable copies of the resources on the Fun with Numbers padlet.
Activity Sheet download area
Please feel free to download copies of the following activities:
- Connect 4 Bingo pdf (PDF
, 189kb)
- Bee Board Game pdf (PDF
, 390kb)
- Guess My Number pdf (PDF
, 143kb)
Did you like our games? Anything we can improve on? Please complete the following survey: Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions.
Fun with Numbers
Fun with Numbers is a programme delivered by the Numerical Cognition Lab and York Cares. It is currently in a pilot stage and we hope to deliver this within schools once circumstances permit.
York Cares
York Cares matches the skills and expertise of employers and their employees to community projects where they can have most impact. Our tried and tested programmes deliver tangible benefits for local people as well as workforce development opportunities for employers. Located at the University of York, some of our projects are co-delivered by employers and university student volunteers, who pool their time and energy, business experience and expertise to make a positive impact on our community.
Numerical Cognition Lab
The Numerical Cognition Lab is a research group at the Department of Psychology, University of York, UK. Our group investigates number processing and arithmetic in adults and children, with and without learning difficulties, and mathematical development. Number processing is an integral part of our daily life. For example, we read numbers on our alarm clock to decide when to get up and use numerical estimation in a supermarket to decide which queue to join.