How to Sound Clever at Maths Rob Ainsley
Event details
Rob Ainsley shows you tricks and tips to make people think you know more about maths than they do. And than you do.
Find out how to multiply anything without multiplying; how to make averages lie in your favour; how to chop up one orange into two, each as big the original; how some infinities are bigger than others; and how to cope with overbooking at an infinitely big hotel. Plus discover what actually happened when they gave a bunch of monkeys some typewriters.
Join us for a lively and humorous journey into mathematics. Trigger warning: contains Venn diagrams.
This is a YouTube Premiere event. You’ll be sent a link to the screening a couple of days before it takes place, as well as a reminder an hour before.
Book sales
You can buy copies of many of our speakers’ books from Fox Lane Books, a local independent bookseller and Festival partner. In some cases, author signed bookplates are available too.
About the speaker
Rob Ainsley was once briefly the top-rated mathematician in the UK in his age group. Unfortunately the age group was 17 years 215 days. He did a maths degree at Oxford and trained to be a teacher, making a significant positive contribution to mathematics education by not becoming one. Rob is a writer and author, mostly about cycling. He lives in York, but is usually away on a bike somewhere unpronounceable. He is the author of Bluff Your Way in Maths and How to Sound Clever at Maths.