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What can old fish bones tell us? Lots! Everything from the diet of our ancestors to what the oceans looked like in the past.
Join us at King's Manor where archaeologists, ecologists and historians from the University of York will explain how people throughout history caught, farmed, prepared, cooked, traded and disposed of fish.
During a fun-filled day of activities and mini-talks you can:
Come along and have fun while you learn.
The activities are designed for all ages, adults included. Drop in for a few minutes or stay the whole day.
Phil Leverington (@thedemochef) is a Chef Presenter who appears on stage, radio and TV and at food festivals nationwide. A 'seasoned' presenter and chef demonstrator, he works closely with local independent micro-producers to create tasty, easy to repeat, no-nonsense dishes in front of a live audience. He works with Fish ‘n’ Ships to bring historical fish dishes to our plates for tasting. Find out more: @thedemochef or
Kristine Richter is a Marie Curie Fellow with BioArCh, in the University of York’s Department of Archaeology. She is interested in preservation of biomolecules in the archaeological record, use of animals by historic and prehistoric populations, and the use of the archaeological record to inform current animal protection and conservation management strategies. Her current project aims to use collagen sequences to aid in fish bone identification in the archaeological record to reconstruct ancient diet and fishing (or fish farming) methods. She is also part of a broader team working on ancient fish remains across the globe creating a method to reconstruct the dynamics of ancient and historic fish populations to inform current conservation and management practices of commercially important fishing stocks.
Phil and Kristine will be joined by researchers from the University of York’s Departments of Archaeology, Environment and History.
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This event is part of the Food and Farming festival theme. Also in this theme: